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Asbestos Information

Asbestos is seriously regulated by Australia Government. For the disposal of Asbestos, it can be disposal by self and Asbestos licenced transporting company. Forrest Bins hasn’t supported the service of Asbestos removal and disposal and regulated wastes, but to help the demands, Forrest Bins cooperates with Asbestos licenced professional – Asbestos Watch and Angry Ant Asbestos, specialising in asbestos removal, disposal and demolition for any constructions.

A reputable and licensed asbestos removalist who will professionally remove the asbestos from your property. They’ll load the skip and complete the necessary paperwork on your behalf.

If you need professional asbestos removal services, please directly contact the following partner company:

Company Name: Asbestos Watch
Contact: Mark
Phone: 0476 711 160

Company Name: Angry Ant Asbestos
Contact: Halena
Phone: 0401 789 504

Understanding Asbestos: A Brief Overview

What is Asbestos, and Where is it Found?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral made of thin fibres that are invisible to the unaided eye. It was widely used in various products due to its unique properties.

Why Was Asbestos Used?

Asbestos provided a range of benefits like no other single product, including:

  • Strength
  • Lightweight
  • Fire resistance
  • Insulation

Forms of Asbestos

There are two primary forms of asbestos: Friable and Non-Friable.

Non-Friable Asbestos

Non-friable asbestos is bonded in a matrix with other materials, such as cement or vinyl, used in household products. In this form, it is less likely to break into pieces.

Friable Asbestos

Friable asbestos refers to unbonded products that can be broken under hand pressure, releasing fibers. This material was used as lagging or insulation and can give off dust. Even bonded asbestos can release fibers as it ages, especially in weather-exposed areas.

Common Uses of Asbestos

Asbestos was used in many products, including:

  • Asbestos cement sheeting (also known as fibro, Super Six, or Super Eight) used in fencing, roof sheets, ceilings, and walls.
  • External guttering and downpipes as well as vent pipes.
  • Electrical switchboards backing in a black product known as zelemite.
  • Vinyl sheeting and tiles used as flooring.
  • Insulation for heater banks, air conditioning ducting, and pipes.
  • Gaskets for pipes and pipe joints.
  • Certain paints containing asbestos fibers, such as Galbestos.
  • Mastics and glues behind wall tiles and vinyl.
  • Waterproofing in windows.
  • Roof tiles.

Handling Asbestos Safely

Asbestos can be found in various places, especially in older homes and buildings. With the rise of DIY renovations, it’s essential to educate yourself about asbestos to handle it safely. Remember, even bonded asbestos can release fibers as it ages, particularly in weathered areas.


Where Else Can Asbestos Be Identified?

Asbestos was used in a wide range of products, and it’s important to be cautious when handling materials that may contain it. Common places to find asbestos include:

  • Walls, sheets, and roofing in houses.
  • Soffits and wet areas in brick veneer houses, such as bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Pool linings and the backing of linoleum.
  • Insulating electrical components and pipework.
  • Loose-fill materials used in roof insulation.

The moral is clear: “Be wise, Be Safe & Test.” It’s better to assume a material contains asbestos than to run the risk.

If you’re unsure about whether a material contains asbestos, look up images on Google or visit websites that provide detailed information on asbestos and related issues. There are numerous websites that provide information on asbestos and asbestos-related issues.





Need Professional Assistance?

If you need professional asbestos removal services, please directly contact the following company:

Company Name: Asbestos Watch
Contact: Mark
Phone: 0476 711 160

Company Name: Angry Ant Asbestos
Contact: Halena
Phone: 0401 789 504